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Heart Back is a song that was released on August 7, 2021, on Melisha's birthday, and ended up in GAFFA's "Best Right Now" article. The song is, like all songs that Melisha releases, recorded, produced, mixed and mastered by herself in her own studio in Brewhouse in Gothenburg.
Heart Back is about taking back your heart and your strength from a relationship that you know is not good for you. To break free from emotional attachment. It is a song that has a lot of retro synth wave in its sound but in Melishas own way. Has elements of retro instruments and recording tables from the 80's that Melisha has in her studio in Brewhouse Gothenburg. It has also been released as a piano version.
"Heart Back is the latest in a series of near-perfect pop singles that, oddly enough, have passed the masses rather unnoticed." - GAFFA Sweden (Music magazine in Scandinavia - article in swedish)
Here you can watch the music video:
The song is recorded, produced, mixed and mastered by Melisha in her studio in Brewhouse in Gothenburg and the video is filmed by Nadja Itäsaari.
Melisha is a 100% DIY artist, single mother of a 15-year-old boy and a true champion of gender equality in music production through her founding and project work with the non-profit organization EQLovesMusic. She is also passionate about the DIY concept as she releases on her own label but also writes, produces, mixes and masters the music and edits and makes all her music videos herself.