Today a year ago Melisha released her first music video with her song "Magic". This was before the #onesongamonth project but played a crucial role in developing the idea. After this video, Melisha has released 10 music videos and the next video will be on June 24, which will be a total of 12 music videos (including the first) in a little more than 12 months.
"Magic" is about the inner spiritual journey and about how magical life, nature and imagination are. It is also about dealing with life's challenges to manifest inner peace.
"This song is extremely special to me as it is about the inner journey to go through fear / anxiety, let go and see the magic in life. And for the first time I was in my own music video, something that was a big step for me to find the courage to do. ", says Melisha
It was not entirely easy to record the music video because in the forest scenes there were piss ants biting her, see the video on this:
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Link to Spotify artist profile✅⬇️📲 👂🎧🔥🧡v
Link to playlist with all music videos released ⬇️⬇️⬇️ 🔥🧡🐞