Oh this video was challenging! It was hard styling the wig , gluing it to my head,and my dress broke even more so I had to come up with a different solution.
But I guess it turned out okay.
The make up was really hard to do. I had a Marilyn tutorial on makeup and the lips was the hardest part. The lines is supposed to be outside but in a very special shape. My lip pen didn’t manage it! So I had to use my eyebrow pen.
Other makeup things: a lot of foundation and highlighter! Then the beauty mark that I only succeeded with once. Apparently Marilyn lashes are very special- your supposed to cut a small piece of the fake lash and mount it downwards for the Marilyn bedroom look. Then draw a lash shadow underneath the eye.
Because I was so tired from a very full weekend- company event on Friday, baptism on Saturday and I decided to bake too which was fun! Leonardo decided to go to a party and coming home at 3 am 😅- I decided to bring the green screen home and try to film at home. That proved to be a challenge because the lighting was so different and bad.
- all this meant I was so tired and I think one can see it on the clips. I can see circles round my eyes.
But that may have added to the story I guess.
Link to video: